People Speaking: 10

'British ˎJournalism

A: 'What d'you 'think of our ˎnewspapers.
A. 'wɒt dju 'θɪŋk│əv ɑː ˎnjuːspeɪpəz.  [1]

B: 'I ˏlike them very `much. `Specially the `ˏSunday ˳ones.
B. 'aɪ ˏlaɪk ðəm │veri ˋmʌʧ. ˋspeʃli ðə ˋˏsʌndi ˳wʌnz.   [2]

A: ˈWhich `daily d'you like best.
A. 'wɪʧ ˋdeɪli dju laɪk best.    [3]

B: 'I ˏcouldn't `say, ˏreally. 'I like to 'look at `several, if I get the ˏchance.
B. aɪ ˏkʊdn ˋseɪ, ˏrɪəli. 'aɪ laɪk tə 'lʊk ət ˋsevrl, ɪf aɪ get ðə ˏʧɑːns.  [4]

A: The `Times gives the `fullest ˋˏcoverage ᛁof anything `serious.
A. ðə ˋtaɪmz gɪvz ðə ˋfʊlɪst ˋˏkʌvərɪʤ│əv enɪθɪŋ ˋsɪəriəs.  [5]

B: 'M.ˏYes. But 'I like 'rather more `pictures than it ˏgenerally has.
B. 'n ˏ jes. bət 'aɪ laɪk 'rɑːðə mɔː ˋpɪkʧəz ðən ɪt ˏʤenrəli haz.  [6]

A: And it's 'not tied to any par`ticular po`litical `party, ˎeither.
A. ən ɪts 'nɒt taɪd │tu eni pəˋtɪkjʊlə│pəˋlɪtɪkl ˋpɑːti, ˎaɪðə.  [7]

B: ˎˏˈOh? ˏI ˏthought it was Con`servative.
B. ˎˏˈəʊ?│ˏaɪ ˏθɔːt ɪt wəz│kənˋsɜːvətɪv.  [8]

A: `Not with a `capital ˏC.
A. nɒt│ wɪð ə ˋkapətəl ˏsiː. [9]